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If you have decided to opt for pregnancy termination , there are two different options available to you. Medical abortion ends a pregnancy using drugs or medications to induce a miscarriage. Surgical abortion is a procedure during which a physician physically removes the pregnancy from your uterus. There are several factors that can help you determine the pregnancy termination procedure that is right for you, including your personal preferences and the stage of your pregnancy.

Medical Abortion

Medical abortion is an option for women who have recently become pregnant; typically, you may choose medical abortion if you are between seven and nine weeks pregnant. There are several drugs that may be used during a medical abortion, such as mifepristone, misoprostol, and methotrexate. These drugs may be given orally, placed inside the vagina, or injected during a medical abortion. Depending on the drugs you receive, the pregnancy termination may take several days to complete. Your gynecologist will typically perform an ultrasound within one to two weeks of medication administration to check the progress of the abortion and administer additional medication if needed. If you choose medical abortion, you should expect bleeding for several hours or days as the uterus sheds its lining.

Surgical Abortion

There are two types of surgical abortion : vacuum aspiration and dilation and evacuation. Aspiration may be performed if you are between six and sixteen weeks pregnant, while dilation and evacuation is needed if you are more than sixteen weeks pregnant. During both procedures, the cervix is numbed and widened, then instruments are used to remove the pregnancy tissue from your uterus through the vagina, ending the pregnancy immediately. The most common side effects associated with this procedure are cramping, bleeding, and nausea. You may be given an antibiotic to prevent infection following the procedure.

If you’d like more information about first and second trimester abortion in Washington, D.C., please contact the Washington Surgi-Clinic today by calling (202) 659-9403. You can also find more information about pregnancy termination, STD and HIV testing , and birth control methods on our website.