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When men choose to be active supporters of their partners before and after a pregnancy termination, there are many things they can do to be helpful. One of the best things men can do is be proactive about asking their partners about the kind of support they need and then following through on providing it. These tips can also help you be supportive before and after an abortion .

Provide Practical Support

There are many logistical things that can become issues before and after a pregnancy termination, so find out from your partner how you can help. Discuss the costs of the termination and how you can help share some of the financial burden. Make plans for dealing with things like household responsibilities as your partner recovers. Your partner will also need a ride to and from the clinic, perhaps on more than one occasion, so make plans to adjust your work schedule accordingly so you can be there. There may be concerns your partner has about juggling responsibilities as she goes through the abortion process that may not be obvious to you, so ask her what kind of help she needs.

Provide Emotional Support

No matter how confident you feel about your decision to terminate a pregnancy, it is natural to experience some emotional upheaval after the event. Some people feel guilty that they feel relieved, and others may feel sadness, even if they believe they made the right choice. Ask your partner to discuss her feelings openly. Often, simply listening and letting your partner know you’re always there to provide support is enough.

Care for Yourself

Men also experience a range of emotions after a pregnancy termination, so remember to look after your own needs as well. If you don’t, you won’t be able to be as supportive as you want for your partner. Sometimes, it can be helpful to have someone other than your partner to discuss your feelings with, especially if your partner is very emotional about the decision.

If you are facing an unwanted pregnancy, Washington Surgi-Clinic is here to help. Contact us today at (202) 659-9403 to find out more about pregnancy termination in Washington, D.C. and to schedule a consultation.